Monday, August 28, 2017

Knitting fever Euro Yarns Needle Review

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I am a serious knitter. I usually knit everyday I am totally in love with my new Lykke Interchangeable Circular Knitting needles. I love that they are light like wooden needles but work smooth like metal needles. I also found that my work isn't just slipping off the needles which is wonderful. Having new needles set me off to knitting some new projects (WIP's - Work in progress!) I have been working several scarfs and of course had to get some yarn to make a ice cream scarf (stay tuned for more projects I am making on these dreamy needles! As you can see these needles are to die for.. they had 9 tips and 3 cords along with accessories including a smart case to put them in if you are like me and do public knitting. These are perfect for any knitter new or old! I did receive my copy for review purposes and no monies were exchanged.

   If you would like me to do a product review for you it is FREE and a great way to get your brand name out there! Email me at

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Moss Stitch

For years I could only knit and purl. I then learned the joy of how easy it was to learn more stitches. 

Here is a really easy stitch to learn - great for baby blankets, dishclothes, borders etc.. The Moss Stitch. Let me give you some pointers too, so you can do this easily. Trust me it is a easy peezy stitch.

The American MOSS STITCH (keep reading after pattern to get it right!!! A bit of a overkill but if you did what I did .. you will be glad you took the time to read those extra lines. )  

ODD # of stitches 

Row 1    k1 p1 k1
Row 2    p1 k1 p1
Row 3    p1 k1 p1
Row  4   k1 pl k1

k means knit, p means purl
ODD number of stitches.. Make sure you cast on say 21 or 33 a ODD number NOT a even number. 

Counting ...
 example Row 1 says k1, p1, k1 NOT
k1, p1, k1, p1   but rather  k1, p1, k1, (one set) then  k1, p1, k1 until end of row (counting in 3's for each set)  Here is how I do it, I count Knit , purl, knit done.. then knit, purl, knit, done for say row 1 .. then purl one, knit one, purl one done.. and do it again until end of the row. 

The pattern above shows you this, but when I learned this pattern for some reason I wasn't getting it right and I kept thinking what am I doing wrong? then it was like Oh silly.. you shouldn't have been so excited just do odd number of stitches on needles  and count in 3's!!!

Cable Left / Cable Right #STOREY #BOOKREVIEW

   To order your copy

I decided to stretch my fiber arts more this year and decided it was time to start cable knitting. May I say SUPER EASY. I was always so afraid of this in the past, but it is so easy it was a shame I didn't pick it up earlier. Storey Publishing has a great book Cable Right Cable Left by Judith Durant that has ever cable imaginable in it. It will take me awhile to get through all of them but It is like Christmas just looking through all the various cables to do! 

The patterns are all written out and simple to learn. I am always stretching myself in the arts and I am so glad that I have because it has enabled me to create nicer things. I feel like if I can do this anyone can! This book is for everyone! A wonderful gift too with Mother's Day right around the corner to give to those Mom's that love knitting. I did receive this product for review purposes and no monies were exchanged. 

     Have a product you would like us to review? It is Free and a great way to get your brand name out there just email us at

#HandmadePlus - this product is great for Knitters!

Image result for handmaster plus

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I do a ton of crochet, knitting, sewing and farm work. Sometimes my hands literally just ache from all that crafting. I was thrilled to review the Hand Master distributed by I noticed as soon as I started using this my hands felt better, A little bit of how you feel when you stretch your body. This tool is great for building up the strength in your hands and to help your muscles. I am loving this and looking forward to having stronger hands for my crafting. You know the saying if you don't use it - you lose it! I highly recommend this to all my friends. I did receive this product free of charge and no monies were exchanged.

   If you would like me to do a product review for you it is FREE and a great way to get your brand name out there. Please email me at

#KINGCOLEYARN - so soft ! King Cole Yarn

Picture 30 of 36Image result for King cole cotton  yarn

To order yours click here

I am addicted to fiber arts - Everyday of my life I spend time crocheting and knitting, loom knitting, sewing, etc... As soon as I felt the King Cole cotton yarn I was in paradise soooo soft and luxury! 
This yarn is perfect for a sweater. King Cole was generous and sent us 12 skeins of yarn. I am going to make something special for my husband with this yarn - A blanket! We love cotton blankets so this is a special treat. Stay tuned for my youtubes on this project! We did receive this product for review purposes and no monies were exchanged.

  If you would like us to do a product review for you it is free and a great way to get your name brand out there. 

3_8 Universal Sock PurpleImage result for cindiwood looms

To order yours click here

I love loom knitting it is a lot of fun and it is fun. One thing I love about loom knitting is that it seems easier. Whenever I loom knit in public I usually end up teaching a friend how to do it and without fail they usually end up doing a project and sharing it with me. Even my son in his early 20's took up the hobby with his friends when they found me loom knitting! My son made a cool hat and had fun wearing it. There are tons of patterns and things to make. I love them. CindiLooms has so many looms they have brought this hobby to a whole new level as they have just about every loom you can possibly imagine! They sent me a beautiful long loom to review and use and I am loving it. I can make a baby blanket, a scarf or just about anything! Cindiwood looms has the quality too. These are made well and so you won't have a rinky dink toy to use but rather a good item for a crafter that will last for years. Keep watching me on youtube as I will be sharing some cool things to make from this loom! I did receive my loom for review purposes and no monies were exchanged.

     If you would like me to do a product review for you it is FREE and a great way to get your name brand out there! Email me at

Let's go into Loom Knitting

Image result for Loom knitting

Loom peg

guage - space between one peg and another

Base of loom - where the pegs are fastened

Peg and Loom size are not the same - If the base size is the same that will be the size- one just has a tighter stitch the one with higher peg count.

A peg and a pattern stitch on same loom can be radically different - newbies do a trial piece

Loom shape does not determine finish product

You can also knit flat on any shape of Loom

odd numbers and even numbers Looms - on the extra peg you can do a extra knit or purl in a round pattern. - once in awhile you will fall into a specific loom pattern.

   If you would like me to do a product review for you it is FREE and a great way to get your brand name out there.