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I am a serious knitter. I usually knit everyday I am totally in love with my new Lykke Interchangeable Circular Knitting needles. I love that they are light like wooden needles but work smooth like metal needles. I also found that my work isn't just slipping off the needles which is wonderful. Having new needles set me off to knitting some new projects (WIP's - Work in progress!) I have been working several scarfs and of course had to get some yarn to make a ice cream scarf (stay tuned for more projects I am making on these dreamy needles! As you can see these needles are to die for.. they had 9 tips and 3 cords along with accessories including a smart case to put them in if you are like me and do public knitting. These are perfect for any knitter new or old! I did receive my copy for review purposes and no monies were exchanged.
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